Friday, September 30, 2011

The Basics of The Associate Outreach Network

Are you the missing piece?
NAHB has so much to offer in terms of advocacy, education and other member benefits; associates want to help bring this information to the local level. What is need from you to help is your state, your contact information and your willingness to help. Take a look at the chart below and you will see how the communication vehicle works and its not one sided. We hope to hear from you what is needed at the local level. Back and forth communication is the key to helping our entire building industry.

As an active associate in your state all that is need is for you to take the information that is sent to you, no more than twice a month, and pass along to your local officers, local executive officers and local HBA staff and ask them to distribute to the general member.

All you are doing is highlighting the third level of membership which could help, along with strengthening our industry, retain and recruit members. 

Please contact Betty Thweatt, NAHB staff assigned to The NAHB Associate Members Committee,  to have your name added to the list of industry volunteers. We need you.